Badges under or around "Add To Cart"

Item Zone

New Member

I have seen some other shops with "badges" around their buy now or add to card buttons.
Thinks like a badge which says "Secure Checkout" or "Secure SSL Encryption" and "Guaranteed Safe Checkout" - That kind of thing.

Does anyone know if there is an easy way of adding these on a product page?

I am using the Shopper them on Alidropship Woo.
On that theme it would be good to have these kind of things right after this :
<div class="woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart variations_button woocommerce-variation-add-to-cart-enabled">

Or it could even go above this:
<div class="product_meta">

I'm not a total expert in HTML, I just know a little bit and just enough to get by, so if someone already has an easy enough way to just add things like that then that'd be great to know.
Are there already some standard badges available from Alidropship?

Another thing I have seen around this area is some shops have the social sharing buttons in this area too. It seemed like it might be a good place.