Automatically delete variations


Active Member
Ah Okay thanks

The quickest option is to un-tick the 'use for variations' checkbox in the Attributes section in the Edit Product page. This will remove the extra options, but again this will also remove the ability to automatically place the orders on AliExpress. I don't really mind that, considering I'm only removing it when there's a single option to choose from and the order placement isn't completely automatic anyway. But that's just me. The order will still be created and the product will still be added to the order, you'll just need to manually select the variation option for the one you remove.


New Member
The quickest option is to un-tick the 'use for variations' checkbox in the Attributes section in the Edit Product page. This will remove the extra options, but again this will also remove the ability to automatically place the orders on AliExpress. I don't really mind that, considering I'm only removing it when there's a single option to choose from and the order placement isn't completely automatic anyway. But that's just me. The order will still be created and the product will still be added to the order, you'll just need to manually select the variation option for the one you remove.
thans for your help the_lyall
This solution suit me well