Any way to add related products/items at the end of the email?


New Member
Is it possible to add related products/items based on the category at the end of the customer order confirmation or shipment confirmation email? What we call transactional email or upsells. Any third party free or paid plugin or any method?

Thanks in advance

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Thanks Google ..

Woo Custom Email Blocks
You can also add it from Plugins>Add New>Search ...

WCEB said:
Product block: display suggests products in emails. You can choose to display related products, on sale products and best selling products.

Says "Not tested on your version of Wordpress etc", but I tried it, and it runs OK.

As to how it's used, can't say simply ... but here are the docs
But from a quick look, I see that you'd need Gutenberg Blocks installed as well and use the Block Editor.

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