AliShipping/AliExpress Shipping Issues (Need Help)


New Member
Hello everyone,

Thank you so much for taking the time to be here. I’ve been on my AliExpress dropshipping journey for about three months now, and while it's been exciting, I've also encountered some significant challenges that I’ve been working hard to solve every day. If anyone could shed some light or share any advice on how to fix these issues, I’d be incredibly grateful. Your support would mean the world to me.

Before I get into the details, I want to express my thanks to the developers for the continuous improvements they’ve made to the AliDropship plugin and its add-ons over the years. The dedication really shows.

Issue 1:
I’m using the AliShipping add-on, but I’ve hit a roadblock. Even after following the FAQs and troubleshooting, I can't seem to resolve this: When a product has different variants from the same supplier, each variant is assigned a separate shipping charge. For example, if a blue variant has a $1.99 shipping charge, the green variant of the exact same product adds another $1.99. This stacks up — so if I have five variants, I’m looking at nearly $10 in shipping for items that total less than $50. As you can imagine, customers are turned off by this, and I feel like it's a bad approach for dropshipping. Has anyone else dealt with this and found a solution?

Issue 2:
Another problem with the AliShipping add-on is that it doesn’t display enough shipping options, and some variants from the same supplier show no shipping options at all. The weird thing is, on AliExpress, those shipping options exist. Additionally, I noticed that shipping options for countries outside the U.S. are missing entirely. Is this because I’m based in the U.S., and the plugin is detecting my location and restricting the shipping options? Any thoughts on how to fix this?

Issue 3:
Lastly, I’m wondering about delivery times. Right now, they average around 11-15 days from AliExpress. Is this considered good or bad? And if it’s bad, how can I reduce the shipping times?

I know these issues are probably common, and I’ve spent a lot of time diving into forums for answers but haven’t had much luck. I’d really appreciate it if anyone who has experienced something similar could guide me in the right direction. While I can’t share admin access, I’m more than happy to do a remote desktop session if needed, though I’d prefer to learn how to fix this myself as I continue to grow as a business owner.

Thank you again for any guidance you can offer — it truly means a lot.