AliExpress Payment


If someone clicks on one of my web-store's links to purchase an item, does the plugin sends me an automated email stating this? Where do I make the purchase for this item that a customer has bought from my store? Is it via AE itself with my login?


Staff member
If someone clicks on one of my web-store's links to purchase an item, does the plugin sends me an automated email stating this? Where do I make the purchase for this item that a customer has bought from my store? Is it via AE itself with my login?

Yes, you will receive a notification if you have a mail service set up -
You make the purchase on AliExpress, right, but this process is automated -

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions!

Best regards,

Ucef Jeha

New Member
I have a question, please ... When a customer buys a product from my shop he means he pays by credit card for my account at the bank .... How do I send you the price of the product purchased by the customer ... through the same bank account that was deposited Amounted by the customer?

I mean the customer buys from me and transfers the amount to my bank account while I am from which account I transfer the amount to you? Through the same bank account or through electronic wallets?