alidropship woocommerce plugin Import Reviews

I imported some reviews using alidropship woocommerce version plugin. I then used sql to change the dates of reviews. After sometime, maybe a month, I noticed the dates of reviews are changed. Why do the dates change?

I notice under the plugin settings>import reviews, there's a section that says updates the dates of reviews. I currently had this set to every 2 weeks. This means the dates of reviews will be updated every 2 weeks to a ranndom date? I specifically set all of my reviews to be a random number of days aparpt from 30 to 45. When I come to my product page, I noticed all of the product reviews are dated within the month of decemeber. This is normal?

For example, if I set my date of 2 reviews for one product to be Dec 17th and November 19th today, shouldn't it say January 17th and December 19th if I set this to change every month?

This is not the case though.