Victoria Kudryashova
DaVinci (current version 0.9.22:
Main features:
1. Blog page update - grey block removal. If you delete html code from a customization grey block will be removed
2. Menu issue with ‘sub-sub category’ was solved - now all categories are shown when you are in sub-sub category (
3. Discount issue was solved - when the price is '0' and product has a paid shipping the discount is 100%
Rembrandt (current version: 3.4:
Main features:
1. Back to top button was added
2. Blog page update - grey block removal. If you delete html code from a customization grey block will be removed
3. Discount issue was solved - when the price is '0' and product has a paid shipping the discount is 100%
4. Customizable text color on a Home page
Michelangelo (current version: 0.9.20:
Main features:
1. Back to top button was added
2. Blog page update - grey block removal. If you delete html code from a customization grey block will be removed
3. Discount issue was solved - when the price is '0' and product has a paid shipping the discount is 100%
Main features:
1. Blog page update - grey block removal. If you delete html code from a customization grey block will be removed
2. Menu issue with ‘sub-sub category’ was solved - now all categories are shown when you are in sub-sub category (
3. Discount issue was solved - when the price is '0' and product has a paid shipping the discount is 100%
Rembrandt (current version: 3.4:
Main features:
1. Back to top button was added
2. Blog page update - grey block removal. If you delete html code from a customization grey block will be removed
3. Discount issue was solved - when the price is '0' and product has a paid shipping the discount is 100%
4. Customizable text color on a Home page
Michelangelo (current version: 0.9.20:
Main features:
1. Back to top button was added
2. Blog page update - grey block removal. If you delete html code from a customization grey block will be removed
3. Discount issue was solved - when the price is '0' and product has a paid shipping the discount is 100%