Active Member
Hey bro,
Thanks for this guide. Just want to check with you, what's the difference between these standard events vs custom conversions?
Is custom conversions only used for selected URLs? If yes, it can be done via standard events as well right?
Hey @ferronf ,
Well, yes, custom conversions are based on URLs with some rules [contains, doesn't contain, equals], plus it also allows you to pick standard events as triggers. So they can be used to narrow your target, for example:
Imagine that you have a general store, and that you have added your pixel to your site, so you know that your ViewContent event fires every time someone views one of your products. But you need to target just one, or a couple of URLs there that are closely related to make an ad campaign. For this you just need to create a custom conversion for those URLs based on the trigger/Event ViewContent of your site.
But even if you create a custom conversion you will need to select an standard one as a category, to let Facebook know what your conversion is about.
For example, if your URL contains checkout-thanks/?paid=yes
Every time a buyer lands on means that he/she already paid, so its a confirmed purchase.
You will need to pick that category/standard event when creating that custom conversion:
URL contains: checkout-thanks/?paid=yes
Category: Purchase