Adding an automated "Order Processed"-email?


New Member
I've been using the WooCommerce version of the plugin for a long time and with it I've always had a custom order status and custom email sent to the customer when I've processed the order saying something like:

"We have processed your order or confirmed your payment and the order is waiting for shipment"

This is a nice midpoint email that lets the customer know their order has been seen and is moving forward. After implementing that email a couple years ago, my "where is my order, what's my order status, haven't received tracking"-emails went down drastically.

Now with my new store I decided to give the ADS plugin and theme a go, and even though I find it a tad confusing compared to WooCommerce, I can tell that the developers have given more TLC to it (API works with multiple items of different colors etc.)

My question is: How do I add an automated email to the system that sends when the order status changes to processed?