Ability to enable/disable certain gateways at the Product Level


New Member
Dear Yaros and Team

At the top of my wishlist is a feature which will allow us to de-select certain payment gateways at the product level.

For example, my service provider Stripe does not support the sale of drones and e-scooters, but PayPal does.

As a result, I am either completely banned from selling such items on my site, or prohibited from clearing Stripe Credit Card payments on my site (and customers for my other items have no choice but to use PayPal, therefore causing lost sales.

This problem could be very easily solved by allowing us to enable/disable Credit Card payment at the product level. On my general products, I would enable both methods, while for my drones I would enable only PayPal.

Please consider my humble request. I believe many other users might also have the same issue. Thanks!