
  1. tubefeed

    Raphael theme - Most Popular Categories, can I show more?

    The raphael theme allows for 3 Most Popular categories to be shown on the Home Page. However, I would like to show 6 categories. I have added additional content/categories to my Home page in the customisation section, but it is not shown when I reload the website. Is there a setting somewhere...
  2. Martin Jahn

    Showing posts from category on home page (davinci theme)

    Hi, Could you please advise how to add custom category posts on static page (home) in Davinci theme Instead of "New arrivals" I want to show Best selling products from specific category. So there should be "For Women" and showing top 8 items from Women category Text with "New Arrivals" I...
  3. Hunor Barabas

    Unformatted Category Articles

    Hello! I have a problem with the article that can be written on the product category pages. No matter how I format it, the end result will be one big block of text. I find it really hard to read it this way. Is there (or will there be) a way to format that text properly? Thank you! Oh...
  4. M

    Categories sidebar in product page

    This might be something easy but my product page does not have a categories sidebar like the one I see in the demo. See beblow picture, the categories side bar on my website is empty and I have spent hours but still cannot figure it out. See the comparison, also how to show the sorting list...
  5. G

    Rembrandt Categories Display Order

    Hi all, couple of questions regarding Rembrandt theme and categories: 1) Is there a way to change the categories/sub-categories display order with Rembrandt? 2) Can we use a menu plugin (e.g. Mega Menu plugin) for the categories?
  6. F

    Links Categories on home

    Hi, I need to do something, i want to link the 3 categories on the home to products pages by click on TOP SELLING PRODUCTS BEST DEALS NEW ARRIVALS to come to the pages who correspond Exemple : New arrivals to : /product/?orderby=newest Have an idea ? Sorry for my english :)
  7. M

    Direct import to category

    Hi there! i am direct importing products, but i wonder if i can import them to a specific category, because i can´t... and they dont show up when i click on the product at the home page, i receive a 404 error. Thank you