alidropship plugin update

  1. bshihan

    wordpress update

    Hi, Im using wordpress 5.4.6 version for alidropship plugins is it ok if i update to wordpress ver.5.7.2 please advice
  2. daniel-97

    Adding One-Time Coupon for Original Plugin

    Hi, I want to make a request for the next update about Coupons. I wanted to create a code that can only be used once per person (people who subscribed will receive a code via email, and the codes is not the same for each person to prevent people from using it again) I've searched threads and...
  3. S


    I have sent you several screenshots, screencast and you do not respond. You have errors in your script and it will not update. It happens with every other release it seems like.
  4. supermario

    Alidropship Woo Update not visible on dashboard Issue?

    Hello, Anyone facing issue of new updates not visible on Wordpress Dashboard, see the image: It's not showing "You have the latest version" While on my other website on same server it's working fine and showing update, anyone else facing same issue of updates not...
  5. S

    Unable to place order automatically

    Hi all, I am new to AliDropship plugin. I have installed it on my WordPress about 3 weeks ago and today I finally got my first order! When I attempted to place an order with AliExpress by clicking "Place order automatically" button, "Checking authorisation..." status is displayed, however it...
  6. Yaros

    AliDropship ver.

    Main changes: SendGrid mailing service integrated Abandoned range dates fixed PayPal limitation on characters fixed Coupon code field on checkout page fixed ‘$0 price product + shipping’ feature added Dashboard stats fixed You can update the plugin here...