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  1. M

    Google Analytics Events

    Hello, are these Google Analytics events now available ?
  2. M

    Abandoned cart not capturing emails

    Any news here ? What was the problem ? I am having the same issue also ...
  3. M


    Also looking forward to reply !
  4. M

    Upsell Plugin/Option?

    Any news about the upsell functionality ?
  5. M

    Invoice generated automatically

    Hi there, I am actually using the non-Woo plugin. So just the Alidropwhip plugin on a vanilla Wordpress installation. Interesting screenshot, is that from Paypal ? Can you please detail more how you get to that view? I have attached what I see in Paypal.
  6. M

    Payment gateways

    Indeed, you have to first register with Skrill and Stripe. But this is true for all credit card payment processors ...
  7. M

    Payment gateways

    Can you tell me more about how you managed to use Stripe ? Did you hire a Wordpress developer, or did someone from Stripe help you with the integration ?
  8. M

    Payment gateways

    Skrill and Braintree would be great ...
  9. M

    Invoice generated automatically

    Hello, I need to automatically generate an invoice for each order. Has anyone already done this ? I have tried the "WooCommerce PDF Invoices" plugin, but it does not work with the AliDropship plugin, which I am currently using. Thanks !