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    I'm facing a major issue and i've been sending mails and messages to support for 1 month, why can't you reply and resolve my issue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you suspend my sites in your hosting and you don't want to even temporarily reactivate them so i can transfer to another hosting !!!!!!!!!!!! what...
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    can't delete variations

    hi, i can't delete variations on the product import tab the usual "delete boxes" in front of every variation aren't appearing ! what to do? also can i delete attributes if i don't want auto ordering & if so how to do it correctly? thanks
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    Creating new website with shared alidropship hosting

    i want to create another site with alidropship shared hosting i bought the domain and changed the DNS addresses with the alidropship DNS, What's left to do to create the new site? Thanks
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    Checkout problem

    Hi, at the checkout process I get this error message : “Sorry, it seems that there are no available payment methods for your state. Please contact us if you require assistance or wish to make alternate arrangements” My payment method is set up with paypal express checkout which is displayed...
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    Plugin transfer & built in theme

    I created a second website along the one with the alidropship plugin, how can i transfer the plugin from the 1st site to the second? and can i use the built in themes without the pugin? Thanks
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    How to remove Products Number display per categories

    Hi, i'm using the davinci theme where there's the categories display on the left, what i don't like about it is that it's the showing the number of products per category, how can i remove these numbers? Thanks
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    Theme content page width decreases

    I'm using DaVinci Theme, the content page width decreases after i add a background image any solution to keep the normal width? Thanks
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    License Key (wrong site)

    hey i switched from ali woo plugin to original ali plugin, and when i entered license key it says "wrong site" , whats the solution also for the davinci theme is there an editing tutorial that can help out? i'm having problems changing the DaVinci name & logo on the menu to my shop name Thanks
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    FTP & CPANEL location in alidropship account?

    anyone know where can i access FTP & CPANEL location on my alidropship account? (like exactly where) and is the username & pass for my website the same as for cpanel? because i can't log in with them Thanks
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    Woo plugin & Wordpress Update failure (urgent)

    i have a problem , i can't update the plugin nor the wordpress version & can't import products anymore so this is urgent for the wordpress version it says : Download failed.: The checksum of the file (d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e) does not match the expected checksum value...
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    Alidropship chrome extension issue + Wrong Imported Prices

    Hi I'm using the alidropship for woo plugin, the chrome extension automatically logs out many times from my site when i'm importing products, and when i log in in logs out again , it's so annoying ! As for the prices they are imported wrongly from aliexpress so i have to edit them over again...
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    Alidropship chrome extension issue + Wrong Imported Prices

    Hi I'm using the alidropship for woo plugin, the chrome extension automatically logs out many times from my site when i'm importing products, and when i log in in logs out again , it's so annoying ! As for the prices they are imported wrongly from aliexpress so i have to edit them over again...