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  1. Z

    AliDropship Woo UPDATE

    Ok thanks for the help.
  2. Z

    AliDropship Woo UPDATE

    I have sent you via PM. Please check, thanks
  3. Z

    AliDropship Woo UPDATE

    I'm not using alidropship currency widget and I have deselect additional currencies in alidropship woo. I have tried to disable this plugin and use alidropship built-in currency switcher, but I got this error (please see attachment) The currency symbol change, but the price stay the same.
  4. Z

    AliDropship Woo UPDATE

    Thanks for the update, I've been using 3rd party plugin for a while, using geolocation to track customer IP and auto switch currency, after this update, USD symbol ($) keep showing even the currencies change, how to fix this?
  5. Z

    Is there any solution to the huge folder images created on alids woo ?

    Ah, soo glad to hear that! Thank you @Victoria Kudryashova Can't wait for the next update!
  6. Z

    Is there any solution to the huge folder images created on alids woo ?

    So guys, i've been importing products to my site, and right now I have like 2000 products and 262.144 file on my folder, and more than 250.000 are Images! Is there any way to fix this? or do something with the images?
  7. Z

    Images import working really slow with 1and1 hosting

    Anyone using 1and1 hosting for alidropship woo store? I just buy this 1and1 hosting and trying to install alidropship woo plugin for my site. Everything working fine except products images (images importing process really slow) Have anyone experience the same error ? How to fix this?