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    DaVinci 2.0: problem with product page in mobile view

    Hi Grafiz and Ekaterina, I also mentioned this point in a previous thread. This need to be changed because it affects conversion rate negatively.
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    Da Vinci 2.0 blog image height

    Hi, I am using Da Vinci 2. Can you please help me to disable cropping for blog featured images? I want to get full image within featured image div. I mean smaller as per the div size but uncropped image. I need this only for blog section as products already display full images. <code>...
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    Third Party plugin style

    It’s called Content Egg.
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    Third Party plugin style

    Hi, I am uisng a third party plugin with Da Vinci 2.0 I am using plugin on posts, not product pages. Post template is not loading plugin style properly and content displays without proper styling. PLugin authur has recommended using this code but this didn't help. <code> <?php...
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    Da Vinci 2.0 variation image not working on mobile

    Da Vinci 2 theme variation image is not working on mobile devices. On desktop it work fine but not on mobile. I have attached a screenshot. When i click variation image, it shows a search icon on the image and does not change the main gallery image as it does in other themes. Can you help please?
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    Cache plugin for Woo version

    Hi, Which cache plugin is fully compatible with Alidropship woo version? And also; can I turn on Cloudflare through my cpanel. I hope there won't be any issue with automatic price and product quantity updates?
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    Auto Size Selection

    Woocommerce only changes variant photo if all of product variants are selected. If user click on image swatch, it does doesn't change until size is also selected. Can you fix this please by auto-selecting size attribute so image can be changed when user click on first varient (color swatches)...
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    Selected Text variant

    In recent Alidropship woo update, when we select an image swatch, it becomes bordered which indicate it's selected but text attributed like size (S, M, L, XL) are not bordered after selection. User doesn't know which size is selected. I can fix it if I know css class attached to "selected"...
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    AliDropship Woo ver. 0.5 BETA

    Hi @Yaros recent Alidropship woo update is amazing. You are the best. I am loving image swatches. Just wanna suggest one thing, can you add colspan="2" in attribute "Label" moving swatch images down into next line. This will give it aesthetically much better look. Thanks