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  1. Thordesign

    Sorry...this item is currently unavailable in your region. Check out other group buying offers.

    Good morning, I've been having a big problem for a few days now. 90% of the products on my shop are no longer available for purchase on Aliexpress. I get this error message when I try to access it: "Sorry...this item is currently unavailable in your region. Check out other group buying offers."...
  2. Thordesign

    Payment procedure

    Good morning, I come to you hoping to find some help... I finally have my first order! When clicking on "place order automatically' I follow the process which asks me to add the delivery address (I therefore enter the address of the customer who ordered on my site). Then comes the choice of the...
  3. Thordesign

    Variable product > Simple (remove the variation click to display the add to cart button)

    Hello, After searching on the forum, I unfortunately did not find a solution to my problem... I hope you could help me. I imported products with several variables and I wanted to convert them into simple products. So I duplicated the product as many times as there are variables, then deleted...
  4. Thordesign

    Import product variable to divide

    Hello, I have installed Alidropship on my Woocommerce store and I was wondering about the variable products I import. I would like if possible to be able to import all the variables of a product in a single product. For example: I have a red t-shirt product with several color variables. I would...