Search results

  1. Ram Alsaifi

    Dashboard for managing downloads, subscrptions, licence keys, etc

    Hi Alidropship community, This is a suggestion to build a centralized dashboard for customers to access plugins, themes, API keys etc. At the moment, it's very tricky to re-download plugins, themes, and other tools that we have previously purchased. It is also tricky to regenerate licence keys...
  2. Ram Alsaifi

    Connect Directly to Aliexpress' Dropshipping API

    It is now 2023 and this feature is more needed now than before. This would make the integration between Alidropship and Aliexpress seamless. It would help with managing all order fulfilment from within WordPress which is more convenient. It would also fix the issue with order information not...
  3. Ram Alsaifi

    El Greco Woo Theme Compatibility

    Hi Alidropship community, I have recently purchased the El Greco Woo theme. For some reason after activating the theme, the public and admin site became inaccessible (500 HTTP status). I deactivated all plugins manually to check it is not a plugin that is causing the problem, and the site did...