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  1. N

    Variations Images Problem

    So I can change it only with additional expansion?
  2. N

    Variations Images Problem

    Diameter has image. I can change to photo but then Color is a text button... I can't set both as a image at the same time.
  3. N

    Variations Images Problem

    Hi, I have problem with variations on my alidropship woocommerce store. My product has two attributes: 1) Color 2) Diameter I want to both attributes on product page will show as an images but I can’t select option “show product variation as an image” to both attributes at the same time. In...
  4. N

    How to remove other variant price?

    I imported a product that I only want to sell two variants of. My problem is that the price on Aliexpress depends on the variant. The selected two variants cost $ 2.36 but are also more expensive on offer at $ 4.39. In my store, when I set the price, I can see the price range. How can I remove...