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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    Well, i put so much time on the front end ill not change the theme and then probly face other issues... And its not about wordpress knowledge but about front end knowledge...and yes i have basic understand in the fron-end and either in the back end... But in the back end... the code is encrypted...
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    If you wanna know what kind of responsive issues im talking...just load the Dali theme to x resolution between 1289-1307 px. Then look at the menu... How to do it: console dev tools + put ex: 1289px (horizontal) + reload the page. This mean we pay expensive ads $$$, +we face a client with...
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    Who the hell will reach this amount of products anyways....
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    Yah and dont forget to use [embed] shortcode, otherwise if you direct put iframe Wordpress will clear it :P
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    Adding a product gallery image from URL (issue)

    Hi, When i try to add an image in: Product->Gallery->Add image->Insert from URL It's not working. I can only add an image from in my media file. Is everyone has the same problem??? Thank you! My set up: Dali theme + Alid (original)
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    Ya i meant with a woocommerce addon...
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    The problem (as i already mentioned) is this feature is not handled properly on the frontend by the alid original themes . If you look at the html code youll see that this link will be in a <video> tag. And youtube link have to be in a <iframe> tag.
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    Woo version will work since the feature is handled by the woo plugin... chris37 before reply read carefully, we talk about original my friend...
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    MAJOR ISSUES: Dali theme checkout page

    For now, I'll just use the Smart Paypal button and desactivate the checkout fields and let Paypal fields only. This is the only way i found out that fix some of the issues.
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    MAJOR ISSUES: Dali theme checkout page

    Hi Daniel, Thanks for your reply :) For issue #3) Are you sure Daniel? Check out this link: To specify PayPal-supported countries and regions in request URI and body parameters, use two-character IS0-3166-1 country codes. For...
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    MAJOR ISSUES: Dali theme checkout page

    Hi, 1) When you have multiple shipping methods like 1) free 2) 10$, the total amount doesnt update properly after selecting the shipping method... 2) You need to have a shipping method applied to all your countries (in alid plugin) otherwise it is redirecting you to a empty cart when you are...
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    Like i said, if your not familiar with coding you'll not see those issues. Also, maybe 75%, of the issues im talking here, are related to responsive things. So if you are looking and testing your theme only in your personnal devices, you wont see them. You have to check what your theme does in...
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    Youtube Video in gallery product not working...

    The original alid plugin and themes have so many bugs that I cant even count how many fixes I had to do... I recommend for everyone if you are not familiar with coding and you want a site that look professional to start with the woocommerce version and try to avoid using a alid free theme like...
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    Adding a product gallery image from URL (issue)

    hi, This seems that this is incompatible with wp 5,x and up... Maybe fix it in the next version please? Regads, Alex
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    Bug issue: Dali theme "Recently viewed" and "Recommended" product slider (at the bottom)

    I found out the library in use for this dang issue ...I'll try to fix this ennoying thing now :p
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    Dali theme: out of stock variation issue

    Well thanks for your proposition but i dont think its effiscient to change theme everytime you face an issue. for those who are unfamiliar with coding maybe it will ...
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    Dali theme: out of stock variation issue

    You are kinda right, but i think it's not evident for the user to understand because the img will change in the slider for the out of stock variation so it can make confusion i think so i added some custom thing :)
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    Dali theme: out of stock variation issue

    Hi, 1) When a variation is out of stock it does not say anything on the product page. It should say somewhere that this variation is out of stock. 2) Even if the variation is out of stock, the user can select it and then hit the add to cart button. After that, there is an alert saying choose a...
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    The cart sidebar push all the content (issue)

    Thank you, I'll appreciate.
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    The cart sidebar push all the content (issue)

    Hi, I fixed alot of issues by myself on the front end, but i'm kinda tired to go over a code that is obfuscate... theres always a new thing that i found and now its the cart sidebar. Please look at your demo themes (on modern browser) and you'll see what the main content does on resolution <...