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  1. T

    AliDropship Chrome extension generates many requests and blocks the products importing

    Since about four weeks ago. The Alidropship chrome extension generates a lot of requests to aliexpress. This causes aliexpress to block me access to import products. This happens when aliexpress decides to display this message: "Sorry, we have detected unusual traffic from your network.". Once...
  2. T

    Import some variations, not all

    Hi, I would like to import just a few variations of an Aliexpress product. For example if you have ten variations I am only interested in three of them. Is there a way to do this? If it cannot be done, is there a method to separate the variations of an already imported product with all its...
  3. T

    The products I add with the Woocommerce Alidropship plugin are not visible if you are not logged in to Wordpress.

    Hi, if I am logged in to my wordpress store from /wp-admin, I can see the products in my store. Check out this screenshot. However, if you login to the store these products are not shown and my category is empty: Why is...
  4. T

    The products I add with the Woocommerce Alidropship plugin are not visible if you are not logged in to Wordpress.

    Hi, if I am logged in to my wordpress store from /wp-admin, I can see the products in my store. Check out this screenshot. However, if you login to the store these products are not shown and my category is empty: Why is...