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  1. stunomatic

    Nginx + php 7.2 backend freeze register_rest_route was called

    OK I think I figured it out whats the problem you are right that problem with server configurations. 1. I have another alidropship website and I am getting same "slash" error if I open debug file but that website is working fine with browsing woocommerce. 2. there is one more thing in debug...
  2. stunomatic

    Nginx + php 7.2 backend freeze register_rest_route was called

    Hi, I verified my server files and wp settings, no trailing slashs. This is something else I am only have this issue when I enable alidropwoo and after enabling if I browse woocommerce dashboard server freeze and start loading. I read on wp forums mostly this issue is because of plugins.
  3. stunomatic

    Nginx + php 7.2 backend freeze register_rest_route was called

    Please check attached log wordpress file register_rest_route was called Server configurations: 512 MB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20 GB SSD When I enable alidropship woo plugin and browse woocommerce plugin complete dashboard hanged just loading........... and after long loading " 502 Bad Gateway "...
  4. stunomatic

    copyright distribution licenses

    Dear All, My payment provider asking for copyright distribution rights for anime products, what should I reply as I don't have any rights to resell them. " " Please send us the copyright distribution licenses for the items you are selling on your website. We see that you are selling many...