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  1. M

    Did not send email after client placed order

    Hi, I am testing the ordering. After the customer placed an order, the customer did not receive any confirmation email to confirm the order. Is there something I need to do? thanks!
  2. M

    Cross promotion/upsell products

    Hi, How do I set up cross promotions and upsell products? thanks
  3. M

    Check out not working on website

    After I input the shipping details, and press "PROCEED TO PAYMENT", I am constantly looped back to the same Shipping details form page, with all the shipping details erased. And I could never get to payment. Please advise! thanks!
  4. M

    Query on products

    the direct import of information from Aliexpress have a very messy layout. Also, the thumbnail is not showing up. Am i doing something wrong?
  5. M

    Query on products

    Hi, I am trying out the plugin on my wordpress - but it does not seem to work and I am trying to fix this. I have tried the plugin on both Michaelangelo Theme and my own theme using the WooCommerce Plugin. but it's still not working. 1. After i select the product, the feature images does not...
  6. M

    Oberlo or just Aliexpress direct

    Hi, I am just days research into dropshipping and has tonnes to learn! Would you go through a service like that promise to automate everything for you, or just go direct with Aliexpress? It seems to me if I go direct with, I have more selection over merchants?