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  1. Silvia

    Product price updating is not working

    Remember when I wrote about one character in single_post.php that caused wrong link? For a months you stated that everything is OK, that I should update the plugin... and finally 3 moths later you found it that I was right. I'm not an average plugin user. Please, keep that in mind.
  2. Silvia

    Product price updating is not working

    That's what I'm talking about: both options not working! Automatic and manual. I wrote: automatic is not working since I'm using the plugin. Now the Manual update is not working too. I didn't delete any product options. Didn't delete any other info provided through the plugin.
  3. Silvia

    Product price updating is not working

    All product in my shop are set up on "automatic update", but still not all products are updated so I have to run the automatic update on a daily basis: settings - updates - auto updating --- manual updating. So, I did that yesterday too. Then, today, someone bought the product with the price...
  4. Silvia

    Product price updating is not working

    Not working. I just sold a product and loose the money thanks to plugin! Just lovely!
  5. Silvia

    Product Import

    Same here: plugin updated, still nothing... can't add new products.
  6. Silvia

    Product Import

    I have a same problem: when importing products connection is lost - like product is not imported at all. I can import same product again. There is no suppliers data; there is no price, link or anything...
  7. Silvia

    How do I set up my product's tags?

    sorry, but this is missing: <?php the_tags('Tags: ', ', ', ''); ?>, for posts S
  8. Silvia

    How do I set up my product's tags?

    Thanks, but I've asked why tags are not shown in published blog posts (tags are visible in WP admin) - not related to Yoast Tags for products are available within Woocommerce+Alidropship, but it loks like with Alidropship plugin alone they are not supported. And I have premium Yoast plugin.
  9. Silvia

    How do I set up my product's tags?

    How do I set up my product's tags? I didn't find this option in product's... I've set them in posts, but they are not showing? Thanks, S
  10. Silvia

    Rembrandt theme, Facebook widget is too wide for footer

    Hello! It's ok now :) At first it was wider than footer and the whole page was scrolling horizontaly. Maybe the cache or something... Silvia
  11. Silvia

    Rembrandt theme, Facebook widget is too wide for footer

    Hello! Please, where can I change Facebook widget width in Rembrandt theme? Thanks, S
  12. Silvia

    AliDropship Themes Update

    Thanks, I fixed it. But every time theme is updated this ">" pop in in file: tpl/blog/tpl/_single.php
  13. Silvia

    AliDropship Themes Update

    Hi and thanks, but again the ">" is creating a wrong link in blog categories single post tpl/blog/tpl/_single.php row 47 printf( '<span><a href=">%1$s">%2$s</a></span>', (
  14. Silvia

    Featured images on blog posts?

    Hi! There is a featured image on blog page, but not on the blog post - above the title.
  15. Silvia

    Category link on Blog post is not working

    I fixed it ;) It was a suficient > in tpl/blog/tpl/_single.php in row 47
  16. Silvia

    Category link on Blog post is not working

    Hi! When I click on categories at the left widget, link is working. But, when clicking on the category below the blog post title the link is not working... Here's the screenshot from my last blog post... Thank you in advance, S
  17. Silvia

    Featured images on blog posts?

    Hi! With the new plugin update with custom blog option (great, thank you!) we lost featued image option on blog posts? I'm using "DaVinci" theme. Thanks, S
  18. Silvia

    Importing products into blog

    Hi! An easy way to import products with buy now/add to cart option into blog post will be fine :) Cheers, S
  19. Silvia

    Subscribe to blog button

    Hi! I didn't find that option and I'm posting this if someone needs it. I got a message from one visitor, she wants to subscribe to my blog. So I used "Subscribe Button by AddToAny" plugin and added the php code into single blog php and category blog php. S :)
  20. Silvia

    You Can't Use Discount Codes with PayPal Express

    I have the same problem. It would be great if they introduce that option.