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  1. daica85

    Switching from Alidropship -> Alidroship Woo

    I would like to switch from Alidropship to Alidropship Woo 1.5.8. Is there any way to backup products data, customer data, reviews data,...and all configuration data and then restore/import them to Alidropship Woo? Thanks,
  2. daica85

    Davinci2.0 - The Phone icon on shopping-cart/ can not be removed

    Hello, I've removed the contact phone number in this field, leave it blank. However it's still showing the phone icon in the shopping-cart page Please help, how to remove the phone field completely? Thanks & Regards,
  3. daica85

    DaVinci2.0: Customization -> Checkout -> "Make phone number field as required" does not work

    Hi team, In DaVinci2.0 theme, I setup enable for the feature "Make phone number field as required", but it didn't work. My customer can place an order without a phone number. It happened when he buy via Via PayPal (Express) mode Please see the image for the detail 1. Enable the feature "Make...
  4. daica85

    What are variables of element of Davinci2.0 for using in Data layer for creating Dynamic remarketing?

    Hi team, I'm setting a Dynamic Remarketing campaign in Google Ads, when setting up, it requires tags and event code snippet added to the code. However, I don't know which variables on the template to pass on: Instruction:
  5. daica85

    Recent Sales Pop-up: The pop-up notification just shows 3 first published products

    Hello, I'm using Recent sales pop-up plugin to show random products in every single product. I'm having ~50 products on my website. However, the pop-up notification just shows random among 3 products that were published first. It repeats, again and again, showing random 3 products in the...
  6. daica85

    How to import/update reviews for a specific product, not for a category

    Hi team, I see that the update reviews feature is for the categories, it's not necessary for many products and very slow. The system also sends out many notification emails to my mailbox whenever I import/update reviews. I want to update reviews just for a specific product I choose on my site...
  7. daica85

    Error on Login page/ Register page. Customers can not register an account on the site

    Hello, I've just bought the plugin, however, when "enable customer accounts and user registration" in AliDropship => Settings => Customer Accounts, customers can not register an account. The 2 pages: and has the error tittle "Page not...