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  1. J

    Very big Logfile (daily)

    Hi, All of our website who use your Ali Dropship Woocommerce plugin write many warnings into the logfiles daily. This creates huge logfiles and slows down our servers. Here are some examples: Any idea what is causing this? Thank you
  2. J

    Variation Images (get reuploaded on every product edit)

    Hi, I like your plugin and I am using it since 3 years in 4 stores. I have a big problem: Whenever I update a Product with multiple variations, all the variation images get downloaded to the server AGAIN. If I have to make 5 adjustments and save 5 times, ALL the variation images get downloaded...
  3. J

    Product variations mapped wrong

    Hi, My most sold product has the variations maped wrong (probably cause I manually edited the variations). When I place the order automatically it selects the wrong color. I have A LOT of orders to fill so it's quite a pain to manually switch the colors every time. Is there a fix so that...
  4. J

    Woocommerce Status & Tracking

    Hi! EDIT: Disregard my post, apparently this functionality is being implemented already. I recently bought your plugin, and it is great! The time it saves me with each order and product import is amazing. I am especially loving the "place order automatically" function. After 3 days I have...