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  1. Runner

    [Service] US Native English Writers for Unique Product Descriptions

    Hi can you send me some examples of your work please.
  2. Runner

    General store for sale

    I see it are you Australian?
  3. Runner

    [NEW SALES CLOSED] WEBRILY: Go Viral and Get Targeted Traffic for FREE

    If you have a personal FB account I would avoid this tool like the plague, you will risk your account being banned. The first Webrily never worked with Facebook, their spam detectors picked it up straight away. I gave up trying to use it and hoped that within the refund period @kingpin would...
  4. Runner

    [NEW SALES CLOSED] WEBRILY: Go Viral and Get Targeted Traffic for FREE

    I think Kingpin you should be thanking us all for Beta testing Webrily 1 . Now that you have sorted out it's problems (it wasn't working and was full of bugs) and have called it Webrily 2 you have decided to charge us all. Woops sorry to many complaints lets just call it by another name now...
  5. Runner

    [NEW SALES CLOSED] WEBRILY: Go Viral and Get Targeted Traffic for FREE

    In post #9 you stated " Soon i will add features like showing your pop up window inside those authority sites with yout html code or form or any image Right now I'm running a earlybird launch promotion which is for everyone. For lifetime access the price is $79 I am giving it for only $19...
  6. Runner

    [NEW SALES CLOSED] WEBRILY: Go Viral and Get Targeted Traffic for FREE

    I would have hoped the upgrade would have been free for all previous buyers of this product, I mean it is only a few months old and now you upgraded it, sort out it's bugs and then want to charge us again. If you intend to upgrade again will we be getting the free upgrade or will you charge us...