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    Dali theme mobile menu improvment

    The mobile menu is appearing very brutally and redirect on top of the page. Any fix idea guys? Ty
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    Dali theme Bug reviews link on product page

    Some temporary fix... ... In the allmin.js file, replace this part: e('.toreview').on('click', function () { e('#item-revs').addClass('active'), e('#acc-item-revs').addClass('show'), e('html, body').animate({ scrollTop: 50000 // will scroll to the bottom }...
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    Dali theme Bug reviews link on product page

    Hi, There's a bug on the theme Dali, i found out what it is. When you click the link to the reviews tab, it dont go to the right place when you enable lazy loading image. The reason is that its calculate the anchor position without the images being present in the DOM (cause it is lazy loading)...
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    I think i'll just use Yoast cause SEO features are more flexible.
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    Oh great! i found the problem about the categories not showing. When a specific category is empty (without product) it doesnt generate it. Good to know for others :)
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    Another issue, The sitemap.xml generated by alid plugin dont generate all URL for my categories of products.
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    Hi, the sitemap generated by the alid plugin generate for the home page. And on the sitemap i dont see the root URL Is there something that i messes up? Thanks for support!