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  1. Lucas4ever

    Header images not mobile responsive

    Everything works perfect but when I open the webpage in a mobile the header image photo is not reduced to the mobile format, it is just the same photo but you can only see a very small portion due to the size (basically it looks bad). In the website here the...
  2. Lucas4ever

    [NEW SALES CLOSED] WEBRILY: Go Viral and Get Targeted Traffic for FREE

    Hi Kingpin, thank you for you help, I manage a way to get it fix doing a google about it and it came with a facebook debug tool... Anyways it is working now I will keep you updated. Stocked to get the newer version. Keep on the good work!
  3. Lucas4ever

    [NEW SALES CLOSED] WEBRILY: Go Viral and Get Targeted Traffic for FREE

    Hi Kingpin, I just paid for Webrily, I just posted my first link following all the steps you say and when I shared it on a FB group it says it has been deleted for beign SPAM, is the link recognized as spam?