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  1. G

    Alidropship plugin doesn't show updates

    Hi Everyone, one of my websites doesn't show new updates of the Alidropship plugin and need to be updated manually each time there's an update, any help would be appreciated, Thanks :)
  2. G

    Rembrandt Categories Display Order

    Hi Victoria, thanks for your reply, where can I change the display order? (I couldn't find this option)
  3. G

    Rembrandt Categories Display Order

    Hi all, couple of questions regarding Rembrandt theme and categories: 1) Is there a way to change the categories/sub-categories display order with Rembrandt? 2) Can we use a menu plugin (e.g. Mega Menu plugin) for the categories?
  4. G

    No SEO titles with personalized pages

    After installing Yoast SEO what are the settings we should put in the Alidropship plugin? it seems that if we keep the "SEO meta data generator" enabled the default meta description/title/keywords of the Alidropship appears and if this option is disabled it removed the meta completely.
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    Deleted product images stay on the server

    Hi everyone, on product deletion, is there an option that will also delete the images of the product from the server?
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    Long product import time and fail

    Hi dwell, I think it's better not to import 1000 items in one go because there're many repeating items on Aliexpress, instead try selecting a small amount of popular products from the best suppliers.
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    Alidropship Chrome Extension - Back Button Problem

    Hello, The Alidropship Chrome Extension prevents the browser back button from working. After disabling the extension the back button starts working again. Tried to reinstall the extension but it didn't help. Chrome Version 54.0.2840.71 m (64-bit) Windows 10 64bit
  8. G

    Long product import time and fail

    Thanks JesseM, :) Seems it fixed the issue, now it takes 50 seconds to import a product and it doesn't fail.
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    Long product import time and fail

    Hello, When importing products from Aliexpress using the Chrome extension it takes a few minutes and then it fails to import. If I refresh the page and click on "Import" again then it helps sometimes.
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    Translating Alidropship to Another Language

    Hello, We would like to translate AliDropShip to Spanish using 'Loco Translate' but some configuration info is missing, please check the attached screenshots.