What you think really doesn't make sense. Even if you select a DHL or USPS shipping methods, if the seller don't use these shipping methods, it will not show in your site.
While there is no word that English is the official language in the forum, as a respect to other members who are posting in English, you should do the same. Otherwise, your posts will be removed.
It is worse than low reading comprehension. I also did not see anything in the posts of this thread that would confuse into switching to Flatsome. It is exaggeration to the max.
I have reviewed all posts in this thread, not sure if there is another similar thread, but I did not see anything that push you to switch to Flatsome theme.
The choice of theme is yours, and again nobody is forcing you to switch to Flatsome. But as I mentioned earlier in this thread, there are...
There are many free online sitemap generators, e. g. https://www.xml-sitemaps.com/ . You will enter your site URL and it will generate the sitemap. You will add it manually to the root folder. If you are using Yoast SEO plugin, you don't need to generate and add the sitemap to your site. The...
robots.txt don't auto generate if that is what you mean. I am not sure if I understand you right. robots.txt has to be added to the site's root folder manually. Also, sitemap.xml has to be added in robots.txt. along with other rules.
I believe there is compability issue to a few and the cause is what ever this sites has. If it is incompatibilty in general, it should affect all the thousands of users of the plugin.
What you think would not happen. Media gallery images are mostly funny images, not about products. How can it link to a product when there is no product?, Also, if there is no link, there is no link.
If the products are from different suppliers, there is no way the products can be shipped together. Even if the products are from one supplier, there is no guarantee the supplier can ship them together. You have to communicate with the supplier and it will depend if they cooperate. I used to...
At my end, it is the products in the Import list that are published by itself. It is very bad, since it showing messages from seller that should be removed. About products in the draft folder, it is the opposite at my end and I have posted a thread about it...
Have you tried other alidropship plugins, e. g. Social Rabbit, etc.? Most common cause of this issue is the setting below. Make sure WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) are the same.