Search results

  1. Mar

    AliDropship Woo plugin ver. 1.4.3 - UPDATE

    It is not hosting error if you cannot transition to PHP7.3 because of ionCube Loader, but the host provider can help.
  2. Mar

    AliDropship Woo plugin ver. 1.4.3 - UPDATE

    It depend, some host provider like Siteground, you cannot activate ionCube Loader your self, you need to let them activate it and sometime it is so complicated for them. In some like my host provider you can easily activate it in cPanel. You need to ask help from your host provider.
  3. Mar

    AliDropship Woo plugin ver. 1.4.3 - UPDATE

    You need help from your host provider to activate ionCube loader. In my case, I have transitioned my site to PHP7.3 but my host provider and I have to spend several hours to make it work properly. The site was loading but having random error 503 in some pages especially at the back end. We come...
  4. Mar

    Shared Bluehost hosting for Woo? Sloooow! :(

    I have transferred my site, just a month earlier, please see this thread: You won't regret it.
  5. Mar

    What is the best Payment Gateway for non-US resident that are selling products in the USA?

    I understand it is helpful to you, but it don't mean can't do dropshipping without it.
  6. Mar

    Bought but never used for almost 2 years

    Alidropship support speak good English. There was never an issue with how they speak English. Follow this link: If you've been using Alidropship woo, you only need to update the products you have imported. Yes, you can import only the product you want. This...
  7. Mar

    What is the best Payment Gateway for non-US resident that are selling products in the USA?

    Stripe and Fluttawave is not everything in dropshipping. I have a droshipping store without Stripe and Fluttawave.
  8. Mar

    Good Hosting

    Yes, definitely. You will know it by the screen shots.
  9. Mar

    Good Hosting

    There is no secret about it, but I am not updating manually now. I activated auto update and the CPU usage is normal. Although you did not ask, I have more than 1700 published products at the moment thus making the Disk Usage 16.82GB.
  10. Mar

    Email Sending Help!

    Woocommerce has it's own mail program. It don't have an option to copy you in the emails it send. For this you need to install WP Mail Logging plugin. The plugin will capture all emails sent from your website. Unfortunately, this this will only show you that the emails were sent, but you cannot...
  11. Mar

    Good Hosting

    It was Apache, now it is CloudLinux.
  12. Mar

    Issue with high CPU usage

    Yes that is true and your words speak precisely about you. You are as sick person and speaking to you is not worth anybody's time. I just ignored you.
  13. Mar

    Issue with high CPU usage

    I don't need an apology from a stupid person. I answered your question with no other intention except to help, just like what I did to other members in this forum. It is up to you if you believe or not. I can't imagine a person who would ask what was the culprit and when answered suddenly would...
  14. Mar

    Issue with high CPU usage

    All I am doing? Did I talk about Interserver in my last reply? The first time I recommended Interserver I was not talking about the CPU issue, yet you say all I am doing. You asked about the culprit and I replied with no other intent, not knowing that I am talking to a stupid guy.
  15. Mar

    Issue with high CPU usage

    As what I and many users experienced, the culprit is when Auto Update is activated. Too many products is one factor, but this time I have more than 1700 products with no CPU issue while I saw some posts of some users who have less than 500 products but are having the issue.
  16. Mar

    Wordpress HTTPS Issue

    The fact is, the issue can be resolved by any host provider, not only Cloudways.
  17. Mar

    Confirm Delivery

    The message asking you to confirm delivery is an automated email sent once the system reported that it was delivered. Since the order is in your Aliexpress account with your email, automated email was sent to you assuming it is you who received the order. You are not suppose to take it...
  18. Mar


    I shared my experience with the host provider I transferred my site. Please see this threads: and
  19. Mar

    Issue with high CPU usage

    As far as I know, opcache was activated. Opcache is available by default on all cPanel + CloudLinux servers via cPanel, that is the answer when I inquired if it is available in all cPanel. I am not sure if it will work at your end. My server is LiteSpeed and using LiteSpeed cache plugin. This...
  20. Mar

    Issue with high CPU usage

    I am not using Social Rabbit anymore, and i don't have a plan of using it again.