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  1. T

    Order Processing with AliWoo

    Thanks Victoria, I've looked through the Woocommerce managing orders already as I've also looked through the Knowledge centre which primarily focuses on the AD plugin. What I'm asking about is AliDropship + Woo..aka AliWoo. So the INTEGRATION. What role does each play on the process? Like I...
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    Your cash-back URL is not correct

    Is a cash back URL required to process orders??? I can't seem to get set up with EPN or Admitatd so figured I'd circle back to that step some other time but I just had the same message with my test order. I THINK I processed the order anyhow but I'm not sure.
  3. T

    Order Processing with AliWoo

    I'm trying to derstand te order process and how the system is supposed to respond. Once I do "Place Order Automatically" ...follow through and place the order with AE, is the order status in Woo supposed to update change? It still says Processing and when I click through, under Actions the...
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    Merge variations from separate listings

    Thanks Christina. How about the order of variations? I have an item that's showing L, M, S, XL I want to put them in size order. I've tried reordering them in the attributes section but that did nothing
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    CSV or Extension

    I'm sure this is answered somewhere but the forum search won't include the word "tax" my question is what has everyone done for tax calculations? Use a woo extension or upload a csv table?
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    Product Variation Images

    I don't have adblocker but in the Alidropship extension there is my site url and well as this "chrome-extension://jlnhdnbbikjkdejminhdpmejldiapdgn" but I assume this is necessary for the extension to work?
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    Product Variation Images

    My "Images to be imported" always sits at 0 even though they are not fully importing. @basslion how did you resolve this for your site?
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    Should i start a Blog or dropship

    Why not both? Your dropshipping site would benefit from a blog that builds a community around your store niche.
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    Merge variations from separate listings

    Can you merge variations from separate Ali listings but same seller into one listing on my site? If so, how?
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    How to change product linked to aliexpress

    I've tred to do this a few times but the product url field keeps reverting back to the old supplier. So I'm reseting the product. Insert new product link, Reset. Am I missing a step? (Using AliWoo)
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    Export product data

    Is there a way, in AliWoo, to export a csv of my products and it's info (seller price, markup etc)/
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    Do you have a launch process?

    Hi, When launching your store, did any of you use a specific launch sequence to build interest/excitement on social media etc? Did you run launch ads, start a community etc?
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    Social Rabbit Facebook changes

    I agree. I was going to purchase it but I'm waiting to see how this plays out
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    My Second Attempt... My New Journey

    Thanks for sharing @Tablazines I'm just pulling my hair put setting up my store now. Other than editing product descriptions and being passionate about your topic, what would you say are the lessons learnt? If I can avoid some drama (other than the tech issues that go with this), all the better.
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    Which plugins do you use ?!

    I noticed that 16 of the 35 are Woo related. How do you get around having the features to optimize your store without the plugins?
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    Monitor price change

    lol! Was nut thinking clearly :) Anyhow problems persist. But I have support from my theme looking into it now to see if it's on their end.
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    Monitor price change

    It's a good thing I just uploaded a few products to test it. I'm giving it a day for all cache issues to purge (not sure if that's even a thing, just intuitive seems right) and then if it's still wonky, I'll wipe it.
  18. T

    Plugin is not updating the prices

    Yes purged all with WP Super Cache. I agree, it sounds like a cache issue. I'm going tp leave it alone for another day because this morning it looks like some but not all changes I made have taken effect. Seems like a back up if taht makes sense.
  19. T

    Plugin is not updating the prices

    For me, when I change the formula, run the update, not all of the prices update. Some seem to be stuck on a formula, several changes ago. I've tried deleting all formulas, reseting to supplier [rice, clearing my cache. Nothing works. Another strange issue, my prices are showing differently on...