Search results

  1. D

    How you can get up to 10% back from purchases on aliexpress for free!

    Did you just sign up only to post your Alibonus referral link? Please tell me you didn't. Yes you did.
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    Suggestions for new site

    What does this site offer me that Ali doesnt? Nothing. Im a stupid customer who wants to feel he's at a trusted amd experiemced store, yet in yours i see the same chinglish descriptions. Take time to rewrite your item descriptions. For example, one of your glasses mentions "measured by...
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    Https doesn't fully work

    Mine is marked by image URL's which are unsecure. Weird, because all my images are loaded to my server...
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    ZbigniewPL Journey

    So how do you generate traffic? Do you use IG shoutouts, do you have socialrabbit? Curious, because you do seem to have quite some active buyers :)
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    How do I handle partial refunds?

    Is there not another Ali supplier who has the same item? I experienced this one as well, and simply found another seller :)
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    What Pricing Markups Do You Use?

    Anything up to $1 goes for $5.95, up to $2 for $9.95. Above that I handle a 50-100% markup :)
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    How to get 20% Cashback from Aliexpress

    My bad, I misinterpreted some things :P I thought ADS was re-routing us through a second cashback link (alipocket) which was affiliated to Yaros. But it would seem that the only way to get cash from Alipocket is to deposit cash there. No conspiracy here, move on :P
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    How to get 20% Cashback from Aliexpress

    Edit: Oopsy, misunderstood things here :)
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    Ability to sell gift cards

    Would it be possible to add the ability to sell giftcard items? Ofcourse we can already manually add these, but then it would also require us to manually create a one-off promotional code. Is it possible to automate this, so upon purchasing the item, the customer automatically receives an email...
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    Now that's unexpected

    I'm horrible at getting things done because I want to see quick results. Importing products makes me see a pretty (albeit dysfunctional) webstore. Adding a payment gateway....not so much. Just found out that I had a dozen or so people try to order something when I didn't have things set up. So...
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    Now that's unexpected

    Now I found out somebody from France tried to order the same product twice. He never got around to payment though. Wonder what they're searching for; I can't find myself on google yet :P
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    Tax support on alidropship

    I would also like this. My country is quite strict on this, and my job doesn't allow me much leeway either :) Would be awesome if we could even just include the VAT in the confirmation email/invoice the buyer receives. Something like: Total price (including VAT): $10 VAT included: $2 Would it...
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    No SSL with ADS hosting?

    So I purchased my store together with hosting by Alidropship. On the page it mentions that it includes SSL and the installation of it. However, when I go to my site, there appears to be no SSL. What should I do to activate this?
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    Bizarre & Outrageous !

  15. D

    Bizarre & Outrageous !

    What kind of typo would that be? $1.051,58 should've been $10,51? Before pressing [submit] he added 2 more random numbers? :D But I guess you are right, I suppose even our Chinese friends wouldn't be so obnoxious to sell an item for $20 with another $1000 worth of shipping.
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    Now that's unexpected

    So, about a few weeks ago I purchased Alidropship, and started filling my shop. More of a hobby than anything else, and only 10 days ago I added my payment provider. The store still looks only marginally better than the template, and my mailgun isn't fully set up. As such, I haven't done any...
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    Bizarre & Outrageous !

    I've indeed sometimes seen shipping costs being a multiple of the item cost, but this is definitely the next level :o
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    Start Fresh should buy plug-in or get custom from Alidropship

    I took a package where Alidropship also supplies hosting. It's not alot more expensive and saves the hassle of installing etc. Custom store means they'll find you a niche and do the initial design, but I think that should be your job. You want to be the entrepreneur, so you should find a...
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    2000 Evergreen Niches to Choose for your ECOM Store

    Well, there's coffins that can be used as a book case beforehand. Though then you eventually end up with the question on what to do with the books...
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    2000 Evergreen Niches to Choose for your ECOM Store

    Wood Windows? Car Dealers? Dumpster Rental? Funeral Services? Concert Tickets? I know Aliexpress sells alot, but I sincerely doubt you'll be able to find these. List seems kinda useless to me like this. It's more like you took out every category of the yellow pages.