What is the return page after successful account registration ?


What should be the return page after successful account registration ? Do we have to create a confirmation page ?

I tested it and the return page -> 404 Page not found. -> http://mydomain.tld/undefined/account (and registered user is automatically logged in his account without prior verification).

I am using SendGrid.

The proper way to handle the registration would be to send an email with activation link. Instead the registered user receives:

You have successfully registered your account!
Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@whateveremailserver.com

Login: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Now you can log in your account with your email or login.

log in your account

and it's never verified

Please advise. Thx

Victoria Kudryashova

What should be the return page after successful account registration ? Do we have to create a confirmation page ?

I tested it and the return page -> 404 Page not found. -> http://mydomain.tld/undefined/account (and registered user is automatically logged in his account without prior verification).

I am using SendGrid.

The proper way to handle the registration would be to send an email with activation link. Instead the registered user receives:

You have successfully registered your account!

Email: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx@whateveremailserver.com

Login: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Now you can log in your account with your email or login.

log in your account

and it's never verified

Please advise. Thx
Hello, Milos, there is no verification link - we create account at the moment of registration on the site and email is a confirmation that your account was created. Why do you need to have a confirmation page?


I'm not sure you read carefully my post...the purpose is to prevent SPAM registrations. Every well designed site has it. Right now the successful registration returns 404 error page

May I have @Yaros or an daVinci theme developer to reply please?


Victoria Kudryashova

I'm not sure you read carefully my post...the purpose is to prevent SPAM registrations. Every well designed site has it. Right now the successful registration returns 404 error page

May I have @Yaros or an daVinci theme developer to reply please?

We are making some changes in Personal account right now, and your thoughts will be taken in to consideration as well.