Website crashed after plugIn was installed

Hello all, I installed a new plugin to my dropship site yesterday and the entire site crashed. I receive a "500 Internal Server Error" everything the website is entered. I am unable to access my the admin area as well. I've reached out to the support desk via Skype and have not heard back. Does any know how I could go about re-storing the site? The site is backed up weekly (every Sunday - which I know realize is not the most ideal schedule. This will be changed daily backup.). I have made some modifications this week and I'm hoping not to lose those changes but if need be I'll re-do and use the latest backup (which I have no idea how to access). Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!

Victoria Kudryashova

Hello all, I installed a new plugin to my dropship site yesterday and the entire site crashed. I receive a "500 Internal Server Error" everything the website is entered. I am unable to access my the admin area as well. I've reached out to the support desk via Skype and have not heard back. Does any know how I could go about re-storing the site? The site is backed up weekly (every Sunday - which I know realize is not the most ideal schedule. This will be changed daily backup.). I have made some modifications this week and I'm hoping not to lose those changes but if need be I'll re-do and use the latest backup (which I have no idea how to access). Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!
Please email support:
Thanks for the tip Victoria, I did on Friday afternoon EDT when it occurred. It’s now Sunday morning. Let’s not forget I’m running a business so time is crucial.


New Member
Same here. After installation i seem to have lost all products, I get an error "no products found". I have emailed support.
PM me please your email - I will ask support
Thank you so much!! Whatever you did was restored. However, ALL my theme customizations disappeared. So essentially I'm starting from scratch. Is there a way (setting to enable) to ensure that my theme customizations are backed up and can be restored in the future? Any guidance is appreciated. thanks.
Same here. After installation i seem to have lost all products, I get an error "no products found". I have emailed support.
Hope by now your issue has been solved. I found out that Skype Support is not available over the weekend. Support is only avail by sending them an email. Best wishes.

Victoria Kudryashova

Thank you so much!! Whatever you did was restored. However, ALL my theme customizations disappeared. So essentially I'm starting from scratch. Is there a way (setting to enable) to ensure that my theme customizations are backed up and can be restored in the future? Any guidance is appreciated. thanks.
Please save backups of your site, in this case theme customization will be saved.


Hello all, I installed a new plugin to my dropship site yesterday and the entire site crashed. I receive a "500 Internal Server Error" everything the website is entered. I am unable to access my the admin area as well. I've reached out to the support desk via Skype and have not heard back. Does any know how I could go about re-storing the site? The site is backed up weekly (every Sunday - which I know realize is not the most ideal schedule. This will be changed daily backup.). I have made some modifications this week and I'm hoping not to lose those changes but if need be I'll re-do and use the latest backup (which I have no idea how to access). Any suggestion is appreciated. Thanks!

Coming kind of late to this, however I can tell you how I have dealt with this in the past in case it happens again @Kerri-Ann C Bryan . When you install the plugin and it "breaks" your site, you can navigate to your hosting file manager (via web browser or FTP), navigate to the wordpress plugin folder, and rename the plugin folder to something else. For instance if the folder is "coolplugin" I would rename to "broken_coolplugin", alternatively you can delete the folder. Then when you visit the admin area it should load. You can go to plugins and delete the plugin that broke the site.

Of course, always back up your site, like you said, you are running a business after all