translation bug in Davinci2 theme

Fulgence Ridal

New Member
It is impossible to translate the string : I'm shopping for...
the reason why :

In header.php
<?php _e( "I`m shopping for..."", 'dav2' ) ?>

and in .po .mo files :
"I'm shopping for..."


Ekaterina Sayapina

It is impossible to translate the string : I'm shopping for...
the reason why :

In header.php
<?php _e( "I`m shopping for..."", 'dav2' ) ?>

and in .po .mo files :
"I'm shopping for..."


Could you please let me know what language you're trying to translate your website into?
This phrase can be found in GlotPress and it's already translated in some languages.
Translations   Spanish  Spain    Davinci 2   GlotPress (1).png

Fulgence Ridal

New Member
French translation.
Just look at :
I`m shopping for... (.po .mo files)
I'm shopping for... (header.php)

When you translate "I`m shopping for..." it doesn't work cos it wants a translation for "I'm shopping for... " in header.php.

look at : ' it is not the same (for my version of davinci2 theme).
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Ekaterina Sayapina

French translation.
Just look at :
I`m shopping for... (.po .mo files)
I'm shopping for... (header.php)

When you translate "I`m shopping for..." it doesn't work cos it wants a translation for "I'm shopping for... " in header.php.

look at : ' it is not the same (for my version of davinci2 theme).
Thanks for reporting the issue!
We'll give it a check.