Shipping "workaround" that works for me - Needs alishipping extension


New Member
Hey guys,

So, I'm about to launch my store and was looking for a solution to incorporating shipping cost into my prices. As stated a few times in this forum, it's not possible because shipping prices differs. Outside of looking for products that offers free shipping (which I wish I would have known before importing 1000s of products from one particular store... haha), there's no real way to get an "accurate" forumla. Either, you'll overcharge for shipping or have to kick out a few bucks to make up for it.

And on another issue I was facing, most stores on aliexpress gives shipping discounts on quanties over 1. If a customer were to purchase 2 items from 1 aliexpress store, the 2nd item would receive a discounted shipping price (and so on). Example - Item 1 shipping - $5.99, Item 2 shipping - $1.50. However, the alishipping extension charges the same shipping price per item (as stated before, there's no way to calculate these cost, because they differ from product to product/store to store). Example - Item 1 shipping - $5.99 - Item 2 shipping - $5.99. The problem this causes though, are expensive shipping cost for customers. Which may lead to less sells.

So, I downloaded a dynamic pricing coupon plugin ( I will not list the plugin because I don't want it to seem like I'm advertising anything).

Note: I use the recommendend pricing structure listed in alidropship to set my prices.

Here's how I set it up my shipping (you would have to test & set this up to fit your store vs aliexpress shipping prices)

In the dynamic pricing coupon plugin you set up different "cart rules". I have 8 different rules like below:

1) 2 - 3 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
2) 4 - 10 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
3) 11 - 15 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
4) 16 - 20 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
5) 21- 25 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
6) 26 - 50 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
7) 51 - 100 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off
8) 101 - 500 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off

(you set up ranges based on your own store needs)

X = percent that will put your stores shipping the closes to aliexpress shipping

How to test:

First, open up a few products within your store along with their connected links on aliexpress.
Next, add a few items to your cart within your website. Add the same items & attributes (size, color, etc), on aliexpress.

Now with each "cart rule" from above, using the products in your cart on both sites. Add the amount of item quantites listed in each "cart total" range. Find a percentage that will get your store's shipping fairly close to the shipping on aliexpress. I personally go a tad bit higher, just so I'm not in the red. Make sure you test different quantites within each cart total range. It wouldn't hurt to test several sets of different items.


Take this range:
2) 4 - 10 quanity in cart receives "x" percent off

*I will use 5 quantites for this example

Add 5 items to your cart, add the same 5 products to your aliexpress cart

Aliexpress base shipping price - $5.47 + $1.50 per extra item

Base shipping for 5 items in your store is $27.35 ($5.47 * 5)
Aliexpress shipping for 5 items is $11.47 ($5.47 + (1.50*4)

You'll need to figure out a percentage to get you around $11.47

57% gives me a discount of $15.58
This brings my store shipping total on these 5 items to $11.77

Test this percentage on different quantites within the range, as well on different items. If the percentage you find is pretty accurate with different scenarios within the range. Keep it & move to next range.

I will set this in my dynamic pricing plugin
2) 4 - 10 quanity in cart receives "57%" off

I'm currently working on a function that will subtract the discount price from the shipping price automatically & show the total shipping price on both the cart & checkout pages. And will hide the discount price & shipping price pulled from aliexpress altogether.

I know this seems tedious. But I promise it's worth it and I got my store done in a few hours. Good thing is, when/if shipping prices change on aliexpress, these percentages will be able to keep my shipping cost pretty accurate with my suppliers. But still. test your percentages every so often.

My recommendations....
This is best used for stores that doesn't have a lot of suppliers
Stores with items around the same price range
Just find stores with free shipping! lol

I truly hope this helps someone!