

New Member
Am far into my dropship store. Do i need to import reviews for aliexpress and how is that done. Also do i need to check the free shipping and 4 star and above checkbox each time i do a search and will the free shipping products be applied to for instance America or world wide


Am far into my dropship store. Do i need to import reviews for aliexpress and how is that done.

Hello, abdoun511!

Reviews can increase your products credibility in the eyes of your customers. To learn more how to use Import Reviews option in the plugin visit this link.

Also do i need to check the free shipping and 4 star and above checkbox each time i do a search and will the free shipping products be applied to for instance America or world wide

As the plugin imports products from AliExpress without shipping method and you set it in the settings yourself, you need to check available shipping methods and available country to ship.