Product Bundle add-on ver. 1.1.19 - UPDATE

Dimitriy Strekalov

Staff member
Automatic product bundles creation feature added:

These product bundles can be based on Product Category and/or Supplier. To combine products into product bundle, you should use these settings:

You can choose here one Supplier from the list (or All Suppliers), and one Category from the list (or All Categories) and the number of Products in the product bundle (2 or 3).

After you choose these settings, just click 'Create Bundle', and Product Bundle add-on will combine products into a product bundle according to conditions you have chosen.

For example:

After that, you should fill in necessary details of this product bundle (discount amount, title and schedule if needed).

In case the conditions you have set for automatic product bundle creation are impossible, you will see this notification:

When you don't need this feature, just set Products quantity to zero and continue product bundles creation in manual mode:
