Problem with EIN verefication for IRS. Please help


New Member

I already called to IRS and received EIN number by phone
Have one more question...

Today I received EIM by mail. So I have EIN on paper. But I am very confused with the third page of the letter...

Can you look at this third page and tell me what I must to do?

Am I must send them something back?
If I do not send them an answer - my EIN will not work?

After I read the third page of the IRS letter I thought that I must send a mail to IRS with my telephone number on it...
1) Am I understand IRS letter correctly?
2) Must I send them my telephone number?
3) If I must send my number to IRS - then I must send to them my Russian number or the one I get from the TextNow
4) Can I send the letter to IRS from Russia, or I must use my PO Box Address...
5) Can I call to IRS and dictate my phone number instead of sending a mail?

Sorry for so many questions. But I am new in Dropshipping business and really don't understand how I must react to IRS letter...


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