New Member
Hi, I am testing how best to set pricing on my store. The current Alidropship pricing setting applies to product categories but I want to be able to set different pricing strategies or multipliers to different products within the same category (eg watch1 priced at 2x, watch2 priced at 3x and so on). So I created product categories like Price 2x, Price 3x and so on. Then I attach a product say a watch to two categories ie watch category and Price 2x category. The watch shows the sale price I want so that is good. However, since Price 2x is a product category and all product categories show up in my store (free Storefront theme), the watch appears under watch category (which is what I want) and also under Price 2x category (which I do not want).
So what I would like to know is there any way I can show product category Watch but hide product category Price 2x? Obviously I do not want Price 2x to be shown publicly as a product category. Thanks.
So what I would like to know is there any way I can show product category Watch but hide product category Price 2x? Obviously I do not want Price 2x to be shown publicly as a product category. Thanks.