Out of stock item


I have an item showing as out of stock but on Aliexpress it is in stock.

Tried to update but still showing as out of stock.

Any idea how to solve this?

Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
Is your theme and plugin up to date?

Have you checked the settings in Woocommerce>Settings>Products>Inventory? Check the Out of stock threshold field. It may be set too high.
e.g If it's set to "4" and the seller has 3 products in stock, it will be displayed as Out of Stock.

I set mine to "0"

And my Low Stock field is set to "2"

But check that the theme and plugin is up to date first.

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Thank you for your reply!

Is your theme and plugin up to date?

Theme and plugins are all up to date.

Have you checked the settings in Woocommerce>Settings>Products>Inventory? Check the Out of stock threshold field. It may be set too high.
e.g If it's set to "4" and the seller has 3 products in stock, it will be displayed as Out of Stock.

I set mine to "0"

And my Low Stock field is set to "2"

Have the same settings as you.