New Store -Premium store template-How to change /add new CAtegories


New Member
HI NEw to this just got store-excited but realise there is a long road a head-havign a store doesnt equal traffic and sales!!

I want to change the images and add a new Most popular categories. I found how to add a new one but cant make a picture look the same/consistent. And how do I remove a category I dont want to feature.

CAn I chose select which products appear in the best sellers best deals section- Ie I have no sales so I wnat to feature thebprodcust I think might sell???

I would also like a banner or integrate - Shipping included -or similar- otherwise it makes the prodcut prices look high initially.

my site is

Ekaterina Sayapina

HI NEw to this just got store-excited but realise there is a long road a head-havign a store doesnt equal traffic and sales!!

I want to change the images and add a new Most popular categories. I found how to add a new one but cant make a picture look the same/consistent. And how do I remove a category I dont want to feature.

CAn I chose select which products appear in the best sellers best deals section- Ie I have no sales so I wnat to feature thebprodcust I think might sell???

I would also like a banner or integrate - Shipping included -or similar- otherwise it makes the prodcut prices look high initially.

my site is

Thanks for your questions!
First, I'd recommend using images of the recommended sizes so they fit perfectly. To be more specific: the recommended size for the Most popular categories images are 400*200px. On your website, you have 380*123px. Please upload larger images to this section.
You can use the Delete button to remove a category from your Homepage.
Home_‹_El_Greco_Theme_for_AliDropship_—_WordPress (1).png

To show certain products in the Best Deals section, increase their discount. To do this, please go to Product settings in your WP admin area.
Simple products: increase your Product price so the difference between Product price and Sale price is bigger (i.e. the discount is bigger)
simple product.png

Variable products: the situation is pretty much the same. You can manage your prices in the Variations tab.

I would also like a banner or integrate - Shipping included -or similar- otherwise it makes the prodcut prices look high initially.
You can add this information to almost any Single product badge. For example, add this phrase (or replace the default text with this phrase) in the Free shipping worldwide field. Customization => Conversion Boosters => Single product page badges. Alternatively, you can add this text to your Store features (you'll find them just above this section).

Hope this helps!