New Dropship plugin suggestion - Multi-dropship store sites and collaborative sites.

robert syputa

New Member
A problem for drop shipping businesses is gaining sufficient traffic, and surmounting the long shipment times compared to locally delivered or Amazon or other supply-chain fulfillment. Strengths include the ability to build up a clientele, develop product displays including documentation and feedback that leads to higher sales and customer retention.

The web has become capable of supporting modularization of content by making use of currently available open-source software platforms, interfaces, and extensions. It is not necessary or desirable to build eCommerce platforms from the ground up as proprietary solutions. Even when the e-commerce platform is stand-alone, the use of open-sourced capabilities has become the 'way to go'. wherever that is possible.

The direction the social network, mobile service, and software development platforms are headed is towards greater interoperability through modularization and virtualization. This creates the possibility for an Alidropship shop to have a module that makes modularization of products that can be installed via Alidropship into one or more associate or sister sites. That advantage of this approach is that is can lead to building of a common pool of sales that then supports pre-ordering and local stocking and shipment (fulfillment service) That would place the dropshipping environment more on par, once sales build, with the Amazon monsters. It is also posible to make use of Amazon or other fulfilment channels as an integral part of the community sourcing.

How would those developing product pages and others who build sales to the level they take in some inventory so that a 'local shipment' option can be added as a consumer choice be compensated? They would be compensated by first using a semi-formalized regimen at product page writing that includes minimum required elements of the visual and product description design including checks on the clearness and fairness of picture and description. It could include a video that is created or funneled from outside sources, particularly for products that require installation, assembly or other educational information. The goal would be to create basic requirements that help lead to 'better and more trusted than Amazon, eBay, etc. The way to beat the competition is to use the fact that the Internet IS A SOCIAL PLATFORM that depends on millions of people more than it does companies.

Fact: companies that perform consumer surveys show that there was a crossover in how consumers make choices of where and what to buy: Consumers want fast delivery much of the time. That will remain an obstacle to drop shipping that must be 'chipped away at' and offset by having better, more disciplined information, friendlier, easier to navigate sites. and delivering new innovations that the Big Amazon's of e-commerce cannot deliver because it is against their format of business. Where Amazon pays associate fees, drop shipping platforms should have a better mousetrap that is orchestrated by the modular approach but only the merchants are in control. With Amazon, every merchant faces Amazon stealing the hot products for their own. With eBay, there is a top-page link to sell a similar product that pulls in the merchant's images without their desire for it to do so. If Amazon sells its own products built on your successful efforts, you get nothing. If another merchant copies you eBay ads and sells the same product 10c cheaper, you have no recourse but to lower your prices or lose sales.

Aliexpress has the skills and the audience. I suggest looking into this to the point of sketching out enough to have a process tree and rough templates/forms for product revisions and how APIs and payment exchange would work, (process tree diagram).

If you need help, I can work with you and help beta. This will look bigger than anything you've done. If you study it, I think you will agree it could be a 'next big thing'.