I haven't got time to market
The classic and well worn excuse. Your imagination is rather pathetic. You need to work on that if you want to be a successful scammer.
Yes ... anyone who sees through your blatant lies is "naive" ... gotcha. lol
you thinking like a homo abilis
Correction: "You're thinking like
a Homo H
Thank you. They must have had excellent spelling, grammar and proof reading abilities, unlike most semi illiterate scammers LOL
Please take note of my new signature. It applies you perfectly.
the "10k likes" are fake and purchased.
Of course they are. No real Goth would "like" a page connected to a site confused with kiddy Halloween crap. Especially one with that awful, bland, grey colour scheme. Anyone with a brain in their head would design a Goth site with dark colours like black and dark purple.
As for the Facebook page itself, the only posts it has are the first ones about the page pic and header image. Nothing else. No products. No posts. No feedback. No comments ... nothing. And this scammer expects us to believe that 10,000 people "liked" it? Talk about "naive" ... lol