How to set to Promo Product?


New Member
Hi, Can anyone tell me how to promo my Products in Facebook? I did set up Facebook Promoter Robot, and select all Fan Pages, but where can I set my Products to promo to them? or do I misunderstand something? Seems it just post a "Hello world!" to somewhere else.


New Member
I found that Social Rabbit just create my own Posts Title into my Page, not my Products, any additional setting need?


Did you enable the Facebook Poster tool? The Rabbit takes the products and publishes them to your Facebook timeline automatically.
I suppose you worked with the Blog Poster tool, right?


New Member
It is work now, thanks.
BTW, may i know how the Rabbit decided to place the the post in? which I want to know is, who will see my post?


Well, you integrated Facebook fan page with the plugin. And the Rabbit leaves posts on Facebook page's timeline randomly (or you can change sorting type).
Your Facebook page is public. Everyone can see it.