How to display both chosen variation thumbnail AND text?


New Member
Hi, I'm trying to copy the system that Amazon uses for variation, which means customers on the mobile can see the text name of the selection they have made with the thumbnail image:


However, on my store I can either have a nice thumbnail image or just text boxes for variations, this means the customer cannot immediately see what scent they have selected:


I know one option is to give each variation a description, writing which scent they are so when they are clicked it shows up. But is there a better way of solving this situation? If this is not currently possible with Alidropship plugin, I would really appreciate if the developers included an option in the settings in Alidropship Attribute Settings.


New Member
I would like to also ask (and in case it's not possible, kindly request a new feature) to be able to select whether or not we can show product variations as text or as [round] thumbnails on a product basis.

So this means one product could have a text based variation (think about how many marshmallows you want in a bag) and another product in the same store could have thumbnail based variations (think about what color food paint you want).

Thanks again!