For Sale - Bespoke AliDropship Store - FreeDealsDepot


New Member
Hi All

Due to circumstances beyond my control I need to sell my AliDropship stores. This store: was custom built by AliDropship Team in late January 2017 at a cost of $269.

The site concept is "FREE + Shipping" format. The site also has 1 Pinterest Business Account(only just started promoting), Facebook page(not promoted at all).

The site is just starting to get a trickle of traffic mainly via Pinterest, I added an affiliate pop-up just a few days ago to try and see if the traffic will convert in the absence of being able to complete standard ecommerce sales.

The total cost invested in the site is circa $269, if I can secure an offer close to that I will be happy to sell the site, if not I will just convert it fully over to being an affiliate site.

I might also consider a JV if I can find the right partner.


Direct Webstore

Well-Known Member
FREE + Shipping" format

Bit hard to believe for anyone with half a brain. And like the other site you're trying to sell, you say you'll convert to an affiliate store if you can't sell. Again ... it just sounds like you're trying sell a couple of fizzers. And with the categories you have in this one ... it's easy to see why it's not working.

But good luck anyway. I'd just write them off, think of a couple of new niches, buy 2 new domains, transfer the licenses and try again.


New Member
Thanks for your valued assessment, if you bother to read my reply to your other post you will hopefully understand why i am selling....but then again maybe you won't ;)