Expanding shipping categories


For products that needs to be limited to certain countries, you can define shipping categories that defines a country or countries and then define a products category that allows certain products for the country. The problem is that Alidropship only allows you to add a max 7 categories, which is insufficient. Should be easy to add up to 20 shipping categories for the development team.
There are some bugs / features here as well, some Shipping IDs are hard coded, free, super_savings, standard, expedited. Why don't you allow users to change the name of these if the functions can be changed? For instance, "expedited" can be changed to be slower, so why can't the name be changed?

Sergei Alidropship

Staff member
For products that needs to be limited to certain countries, you can define shipping categories that defines a country or countries and then define a products category that allows certain products for the country. The problem is that Alidropship only allows you to add a max 7 categories, which is insufficient. Should be easy to add up to 20 shipping categories for the development team.
There are some bugs / features here as well, some Shipping IDs are hard coded, free, super_savings, standard, expedited. Why don't you allow users to change the name of these if the functions can be changed? For instance, "expedited" can be changed to be slower, so why can't the name be changed?
Hello! You can change a name of a shipping method. Its ID is for internal use only, so your client won't see it. You can add more than 7 categories for a shipping method and select any country and its state/province. See an example here


Hi, I think you misunderstood. We can add several hundred countries to a shipping category, that easy. And also several hundred products into one shipping category. That's not the problem. The problem is the amount of shipping categories, as they are limited to 7. Many countries have special requirements which limits a a few products that is not limited in other countries, which all have their own special product restrictions. This means one country may need it's own shipping category and this 7 becomes way too few.

Just tested it, still max 7 shipping categories. Any additional won't be saved, even if it says it's saved.

When grouping together several countries with different product categories defined into one shipping category, it's seems it uses the most restricted product category for all countries.
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